What's New! #7
News Items January - July 2000)
Please Note: Some of the links may be out of date since these news items are now outdated. I'm keeping them here for new collectors.
Open House Event Piece: The event will be held Oct. 14th & 15th and is called "A Treasure of Memories". The item number is 98/224 and will retail for $18.00. This will make many collectors happy as almost all retailers will have this piece rather than a select few.
I can speak for alot of collectors who were quite upset by having to deal with previous retailers who were among the selected few, who refused to take collectors names because we didn't do business with them. Thank you F & F for making it easier for us all, I'm sure everyone appreciates this change.
Sports Figurines: Don't be wearing the treads out on your shoes or running up your phone bill looking for this line just yet. They haven't even arrived in this country! They are coming on a very slow boat from China and we can only hope the ship doesn't sink. They are not expected to arrive until mid August so we shouldn't be seeing them till around the end of August in Stores.
Special Note: Everyone may be wondering what happened to Michelle Walker. Michelle is quite busy these days, she is in the process of packing and moving into her new home. Congratulations to Michelle, she has worked very hard to get this home, even taking on a second job. After taking over this site I never realized what was involved to maintain it. I can't imagine how Michelle ever maintained such a site with over 300,000 files by holding down 2 jobs. I find myself working 6-10 hrs. daily trying to update it and it doesn't look like I made a dent in the site. She has mentioned she has not left, she still loves her "Charming Tails" and will pop in and visit on the site from time to time. We wish Michelle the best of luck!
I also want to thank everyone who sent emails, cards, or flowers on the recent loss of my Mother. Our family was touched to know that she was dearly loved by many, including her ICU nurse recently naming her new baby after my Mother. I guess I know the meaning "when it rains it pours!" Yesterday, my Mother-In-Law passed away, so I will be taking a few days away from the site. Look for updates again next week!
7/19/00 Something New: I will be taking down the "Vote for Your Favorite Charming Tail" section on Friday. Instead of voting, you can tell all of us "why" its your favorite piece or why you can relate to a certain piece you have in your collection. Dean mentioned on QVC he can relate to "Come On In The Waters Fine" because he too wears a life preserver when he goes in the water.
When I first opened the 99 book and seen the new piece "The Honeymoon's Over" it bought back memories of many sleepless nights with the kids in bed and being kicked all night. So, whether its for sentimental reasons, a childhood memory or a special piece given to you by a dear friend, we want to hear what makes that tear or smile on your face when you look at your favorite Charming Tail piece.
I received 4 pictures from a collector of prototypes that she recently acquired in her collection. I am going to post the pictures later tomorrow to the prototype section. I had technical difficulties through email with the front shot of one of the prototypes and will have to await a disc she is sending via snail mail with possibly another 2 prototypes never seen before. So for now you'll have to look at the rear view, sorry!
We have not gotten the title names/item numbers yet, we are still awaiting confirmation on them. One of the pieces has the Mardi Gras theme with a large blue mask and colored confetti on the base with 2 mice hanging from the mask. Unfortuantely this was the piece with the email problem.
I also received photos of what appear to be another example for us to see of a showroom sample hang tag. I have seen many different ways to identify samples however this is the first time I have ever seen a tag like this. The person didn't have a zoom lens so it is not a good close up but good enough to get the general idea of what to look for if by chance anyone should come across such a tag.
Expo Bound: Anyone who missed out on this Exclusive piece check with your local retailer. Retailers may now order what supply was remaining from Rosemont. I recall sometime ago it was mentioned the edition was lessened to 4,000. I think this may not be the case because of the amount of pieces remaining.
Mass. Signing: I spoke with the store yesterday regarding the rules for Saturdays signing event. They are not allowing any outside pieces from home, there will be no exceptions for anyone. The reason is because the Store would be responsible for any damages to a collectors piece should anything get broken. There is a limit of 3 pieces to be signed. All must be purchased in house and you can get back in line again time permitted and of course buy 3 more. I will be heading out the door first thing (5 AM) for a long trip (8 hrs.) to the signing and in pursuit of finding the Holiday Inn. Hope to see alot of you there!
Monique's Antiques Exclusive: Watch for your next newsletter due soon from F&F. Included will be information regarding their store exclusive. It should be available around early to mid October.
Atlanta ICE exclusive: The exclusive piece is actually for the Atlanta show. Mike Brennan send me a copy of the photo.
Rosemont exclusive: Wendy said she received a flyer in the mail with a picture of the Rosemont Charming Tails exclusive. The title of it is Expo Bound. More details as I get them! (I apologize for not posting more lately. The new promotion has me spending a large amount of my time at work. Lucky me.)
Carlton Cards exclusive: If you would like to get Moms Give the Best Hugs, the Carlton Cards special edition due out for Mothers Day, you can check the Carlton Cards web site for their store locator. Thanks to Coral for the web site info. According to the Pottstown Carlton Cards store manager, a lot of people have been calling the Carlton Cards corporate headquarters to ask about the piece. The Pottstown, Pennsylvania, store is the only one taking orders since they will be having Dean in for the signing. Orders are not being taken at the corporate headquarters itself. The piece will be in stores in April.
Mousepad and notepad: Rona mentioned something I missed! The renewal form for the Leaf and Acorn Club mentions "special gifts which includes a mousepad and notepad" (ack, bad grammar!). It's hidden on the back of the pamphlet. I can imagine how cute these items are going to be!
Leaf and Acorn Club renewal: The renewal notices have been arriving. The number to call is 1-877-435-CLUB. My Leaf and Acorn Club Items page has more details. The price is $29.50, and the brochure mentions three members only pieces: Peek-a-Boo Bouquet ($22.00), Christmas Treatures, and Cookies for Santa. You'll get the certificate for Peek-a-Boo Bouquet with the kit. Cookies for Santa is a Christmas ornament, the first for the club. As mentioned before, the membership piece is You Hold the Key to My Heart, and the pin is This Is the Key. The letter mentions a special surprise for renewing, like the incentive pin from last year.
Descriptions of new pieces: Mike Brennan has discovered descriptions of some new pieces! Moms Give the Best Hugs, the Carlton Cards exclusive for Mother's Day, has a baby mouse in the arms of Maxine as she hugs the baby. When you turn the piece around, you can see a smile on the baby's face! We Make Beautiful Music Together, the signing piece for 2000, has Mackenzie playing a tune for Maxine on an old-fashioned piano.
QVC pin: Mike has found out the name of the pin that went along with Blossom Built for Two, the exclusive for QVC. It's Maxine's New Cap!
Carlton Cards exclusive: If you order Moms Give the Best Hugs, the Carlton Cards exclusive, from the Pottstown, Pennsylvania, signing, the piece should be signed, unless Fitz and Floyd puts a limit on the presignings. Also, if you plan on getting the piece from a Carlton Cards near you, make sure they know about the exclusive and will be getting it. The piece is supposed to be very limited.
Labels: Carol was kind enough to send me pictures of the new labels!
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Address labels: Surprise! Scooter reports that Colorful Images has come out with Charming Tails address labels! Colorful Images is a Concepts Direct company, the people who have been bringing us some new exclusives. The labels are self-adhesive, die cut, and approximately 1.5" x 1.75", with a maximum of 24 characters per line, 3 lines only. Call 1-800-458-7999 to order. There are two sets:
Carlton Cards signing: The signings event page had a typo. The Carlton Cards in Pottstown, Pennsylvania is indeed taking orders over the phone for the Mother's Day piece.
Signing piece for 2000: Karen at Collecto-Mania let me know that the signing event piece for 2000 is called We Make Beautiful Music Together. Of course the store will be having a signing this year, and I hope to see all you Texas folk there.
Concepts Direct exclusive: Mike Brennan had some news for us about the upcoming Concepts Direct exclusives. The next piece will be A Budding Romance. The announcement card for it should be shipping out any day. It will be an edition of 3,500. If you get a card before you see an announcement, please let me know about it so I can share it with everyone. Thanks to Mike for the info!
Future exclusives: Concepts Direct will be having three exclusives this year instead of two. The summer exclusive will be available in May and is called Headin' Down the Friendship Trail. The third exclusive, called Silent Night, Holly Night, will be coming this fall. Mike will have descriptions of the pieces in his price guide.
Past exclusives: They still have less than 300 Stack-O-Sweeties left and less than 300 of Maxine's Snowcap. If you haven't ordered these yet, call (800) 272-9236.
Carlton Cards signing: You can now call the store about Dean's signing appearance at the Carlton Cards at the Coventry Mall in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Check the signings page for more details. Also, they will have the Carlton Cards exclusive piece Moms Give the Best Hugs and will have a good quantity available. Call them to reserve yours. This exclusive should be limited to about 3,000 pieces.
QVC appearance: Doug and Jeanette picked up a few more notes from Dean's appearance on QVC. Blossom Built for Two was originally named "There's Always Room for One More." That's why there are three guys in there instead of two: Binkey, Mackenzie, and Sidney Snail. No word on why he changed the name. Dean told one of the callers there would be a signing in Connecticut this year. He also said there will be a couple of new pieces this year with Sebastian and Sabrina.
Dean's appearance: Dean was on QVC tonight at 11:00 Eastern! Here's some info and pictures. They had for sale:
We also learned that Dean has three brothers and two sisters (if you didn't know). He likes to put the ladybug in his pieces because his grandpa told him the ladybug was a sign of good luck. The names Mackenzie and Maxine were originally chosen by the company, not by Dean. The next newsletter of the Leaf and Acorn Club should have a list of signing dates.
![]() Blossom Built for Two and pin QVC exclusive |
![]() Bottom stamp |
![]() Dean on QVC |
New bottom stamp: The bottom stamp for 2000 is a bird in flight.
New pieces: G&L Christmas Barn has a list of new 2000 pieces. It looks suspiciously like a new catalog... :-) Wonder when we'll get ours. Here's the list from Dave's web site:
Limited Editions:
Charming Tails:
Lazy Days:
Autumn Harvest:
Deck the Halls:
New train piece: Heather let me know that she heard about a new addition to the train, even though the train is being retired. A rep said that the piece has the two squirrels and they are working on a hand car (the kind with the up/down lever). Sounds like they're trying to catch up with the rest of the gang. That's what they get for arriving late. :-)
QVC exclusive: Jeanette sent me more info from the QVC web site:
Tails "Blossom Built for Two" Ltd. Ed. w/Pin
Item Number C97721
QVC Price $18.00
Shipping and Handling $4.22
This figurine features Mackenzie Mouse and Binkey Bunny all wrapped up to their waist in a yellow flower blossom as they celebrate the rites of spring. Binkey Bunny has a butterfly on his hand, and a snail shares the space between Mackenzie and Binkey. Measures 3-1/4"H x 3-1/4"L x 3"W. This piece is offered with a special pin. Mackenzie Mouse is holding a daisy over his head. Individually numbered, Limited Edition of 5,000. The pin measures: 2" tall x 1-1/2" wide. Made in China.
Happy New Year! Sorry I'm a little behind, but I've been sick this past week (right after my birthday). I've been trying to keep up. Please let me know if there's any news I've missed.
QVC exclusive: There will be an exclusive piece for Dean's QVC appearance January 11. You can call to order yours now. The number is 1-800-345-1515, and the item number is C97721. Blossom Built for Two will sell for $18.00 and is limited to a run of 5,000 pieces. It also comes with a special pin. The piece features Mackenzie Mouse and Binkey Bunny all wrapped up to their waist in a yellow flower blossom.
New NALED exclusive: The next NALED exclusive is called Tulip for Two and sells for $18.50. Dolls, Gifts & More has a photo on their web site. It will be available from NALED stores only. Thanks to Gloria for the info.
New pieces arriving: Collecto-Mania, Stiers, and Sparkling Rose Collectibles have received the new Valentine and Easter pieces in. Check the Handy List of 2000 Pieces for photos of these.
Vote for Dean: The February 2000 issue of Collector Editions Magazine features their 10th Annual Awards of Excellence. (This is the same issue that had the photos of the new baby giftware line.) Their judges have chosen 101 works of art that are competing in 19 catagories. There is a ballot in the magazine to send in your votes. No photocopies are accepted, so if you want to vote, you have to buy the magazine (sly marketing gimmick there). Everybody Sings is one of six nominees in the "Figurines under $50" category. A Cup of Christmas Cheer is one of six nominees in the "Ornaments under $40" category. So if you happen to get the magazine, be sure to vote for your favorites. Thanks to Rona for the info.
Copyright 2005, Oak Leaf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.
Revised: 03/17/04.