Below are pamphlets or books that were made by F & F and handed out at ICE events or they can be found at your local retailers.  Some of these books are a 3 fold pamphlet or have several pages showing designs available for that year.  On the back page is a small article about Dean and information about The Leaf & Acorn Club.   I also included a book from Linda Anderson's Collectibles.

(Image may take some time to load. All original photos are the subject of copyright protection.)

Squashville County Fair Pamphlet

The Wedding Pamphlet

Charming Moments Booklet

Below are Club Membership Applications to join The Leaf and Acorn Club.  

Membership Application 2002

Membership Application 2000

Membership Application 2001

Charter Membership Application 
1997 & 1998

Membership Application 1999


Linda Anderson's Collectibles Magazine

Welcome To Squashville

Return to Photos of Selected Pieces

Back to Home Page

Copyright 2005, Oak Leaf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.

Revised: 02/20/06.