WHAT'S NEW? PUSSYCATS!                  

The What's New? Pussycats! series is Roman Giftware done by Dean Griff and is not considered part of Charming Tails.  

63071  Pussycat Feeding 2 Birds In Milk Bowl (ORP $6)
63103  Pussycat Inside Purple Egg Figurine (ORP $6)
63104  Pussycat On Back With Egg Figurine (ORP $6)
63105  Pussycat on Tulip Stem Orn (ORP $5)
63108  Pussycat In Catnip Seed Packet Orn (ORP $5)
63108  Pussycat Under Daisy Flower Orn (ORP $5)
63108  Pussycat In Garden Glove Ornament (ORP $5)
63108  Pussycat In Blue Watering Can Ornament (ORP $5) 
63111  Pussycat With Blue Bow Pot Hugger (ORP $4.50)
63112  Pussycat With Orange Butterfly Figurine (ORP $6.50)
63114  Grey Pussycat Laying In Teacup With Saucer Figurine (ORP 6.50)
63117  Sitting Pussycat Watching Duck Standing In Blue Milk Bowl
                   Figurine (ORP $6.50)
63118  Pussycat With Yellow Duck On Head Figurine (ORP $5)
63121  Two Pussycats In Upside Down Umbrella Figurine (ORP $7) 
63120  Pussycat Laying Down & Standing Flower Pot C/H's (2 pcs) (ORP $5)
63311  52 pc. Set includes 16" X12" Springtime Collection displayer
63491  Pussycat With Flower Waterglobe (ORP $8.50)

(Images may take some time to load. All original photos are the subject of copyright protection.)

Cat With Butterfly
ORP $6.50

Cat With Daisy
ORP $6.50

Cat Asleep With Egg
ORP $6.50

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Copyright 2005, Oak Leaf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.

Revised: 02/20/06.