The Christmas Round Up series is Roman Giftware done by Dean Griff and is not considered part of Charming Tails.
69251 Cow Hugging Bottle Ornament (ORP $5)
69251 Lamb In Thimble Ornament (ORP $5)
69251 2 Pigs In Feed Sack Ornament (ORP $5)
69255 Cow With Red Bow Ornament (ORP $5.00)
69255 Lamb With Red Bow Ornament (ORP $5)
69255 Pig With Red Bow Ornament (ORP $5)
69259 Cow Laying On Top Glass Bell with Milk Pail Clapper Ornament
(ORP $10)
69259 Pig Laying On Top Glass Bell with Corn Cob Clapper Ornament
(ORP $10)
69254 Pig Standing Hugging Mini Corncob Waterglobe (ORP $10)
69250 2 Pigs In Barrel Tangled In Lights Ornament (ORP $6)
69260 Santa Driving Tractor Figurine (ORP $11)
69253 Santa Sitting Tying Red Bow On Sitting Cow Figurine (ORP $10)
69253 Santa Sleeping with Pig and Cow Figurine (ORP $10)
69253 Santa Standing with 2 Pigs In Feed Sack Figurine (ORP $10)
69253 Santa Standing Holding Pig Holding On To Sitting Cow Figurine
(ORP $10)
70557 64 pc. Down On The Farm set includes 18" X 12" displayer
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Copyright 2005, Oak Leaf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.
Revised: 02/20/06.