St. Louis Family Picnic Report
by Olga (stolen from the chat board - thanks Olga!)
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Just some notes
and info about the GREAT time that was had by all at the St. Louis picnic.
This has to have been the most relaxed event that has ever been. No pushing
and cutting into lines. Everyone wait their turn, happily. I met some new
people and was thrilled to see some old ones (did I say old?) !!
The site was one of the most beautiful parks I've seen. So big and clean. Food
was plentiful - BBQ chicken, BBQ beef, potatoes, string beans, baked beans,
coleslaw, rolls, iced tea. Cases of bottled water were on the tables. After
everyone was served, they called for anyone to have seconds. The watermelon
was cut a while after lunch, and you had to save the seeds for the seed
spitting contest coming up. The guys were good at this one.
The games were geared to everyone regardless of age, shape etc. Egg Toss,
Balloon Toss, Hula Hoop, Pass the Fruit, (no men tried this one, guess they
were embarrassed) horseshoe pitching, apple bobbing, know I'm missing
something. A lot of effort was given to making this picnic a great one. If the
other picnics are half as nice you'll have a GREAT time.
The goodie bags were arranged by name and were dispensed rapidly. In the
goodie bag you received "Watermelon Feast" (which Dean signed), the tee shirt,
a Charming Tails whistle and the coupon to get a pin when you order your
"Barrel of Fun" piece. If you were a Leaf & Acorn Club Member and showed
your card, you received a mouse in red apple pin. A mouse in green apple pin
(ltd. 15) was a prize for one of the contests, that my daughter won. She being
a WONDERFUL daughter gave me the pin. Oh, am I lucky or what!! If I've
forgotten anything, please excuse this old lady.
Can I repeat again, WE HAD A BLAST!!!! Thank you so much, Dean, Yvette, Wanda
and Ashley for your hard work into making this a grand day.
Happy Birthday to Yvette's little son, Kevin. Imagine a year old already.
Where does time go?
Ark Series - Raffle Prize | "Family Picnic" (Prototype) with blue & white tablecloth from the Silent Auction |
"Friends are a Bushel of Fun" with Green Apples |
"I'm So Grape-Ful!" (Sample) | "Watermelon Feast" (Prototype) Notice the orange color? It was changed to Red! |
"Say Cheese!" (Sample) | |
"You're A Good Egg" (Sample) | Hum ... Dean & Yvette started out as a team, but ... | ... there's an evil glint in Dean's eye as he gets ready to pass the water balloon! |
And Yvette has to pay the consequences!! | Dean readies for the egg catch ... | and misses the egg! (But the egg didn't miss him!) |
Orange Passing Contest | Orange Passing Contest (Really!!) |
Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest | |
Ashley, Wanda, Dean & Yvette | Dean Griff | Losers of the Orange Passing Contest | |
Drawing Winner | Winner of the Apple Dunking Contest |
Winner of the Hula Hoop Contest | |
Winner of the Horseshoeing Contest | Winner of the Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest |
Winners of the Orange Passing Contest | |
Winners of the Balloon Toss Contest | Winners of the Egg Toss Contest |
Author: Michael Brennan (
Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial
and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd
or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.
Revised: 06/20/04.