86/656 Heading for the Slopes

Original selling price: $13.00
Introduced: June 1998
Issued: 1998
Retired: September 2001

The photo on the right is from the 1998 catalog (p.21).  Notice the position of the skis to the actual production piece on the left.  The photo from the catalog gives the appearance as though the negative was reversed.  However, for the negative to be reversed, the mouse's tail should be on the opposite side of the chair and it is not.   This must be the prototype used during the photo shoot.  The rest of the catalogs show Heading For The Slopes like the actual production piece on the left.

(Images may take some time to load. All original photos are the subject of copyright protection. Thanks to Michelle Walker for the photo.)

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Copyright 2005, Oak Leaf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is unofficial and does not intend to infringe on the rights of Fitz and Floyd or Dean Griff, makers of Charming Tails.

Revised: 12/20/04.