89/100 Along For The Ride

Original selling price: $19.00
Introduced: July 1999
Issued: 1999

During a signing event, an avid collector, who is also a motorcycle enthusiast, asked Dean to design a piece with a motorcycle.  Not only did Dean listen to his request, he included a side car so Mackenzie can take Maxine "Along For The Ride".

Collectors who attended the 1999 Fling had a sneak preview of  photos of several new pieces to be introduced in 1999.  The right photo, is a picture taken during the Fling of Along For The Ride.  In the left photo is Scooter's piece.  On Scooter's base there are 5 flowers and the grass extends all the way to the wheel of the sidecar.  The Fling photo on the right, only has 4 flowers, and the grass does not go to the sidecar's wheel.  This gives the appearance that the piece shown at the Fling is larger than the actual production piece. 

Along For The Ride was released in July 1999.  It is considered a mid-year introduction.  It is not in the 1999 catalog because it was released too late in the year. 

(Images may take some time to load. All original photos are the subject of copyright protection. Thanks to Scooter for the photos.)

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Revised: 02/20/06.