Wisconsin Event Report! (Images may take some time to load. All photos are the subject of copyright protection.) There
is LOTS of news and a number of announcements, |
Wisconsin Dells - "the" place to be! By Susan Ott (SSC Vice President) It is interesting to note that I was given the assignment to cover all of the activities at the Dells a good month before the event. I was to go with my trusty digital camera, take a lot of notes, and come home to write an accurate descriptive article on the event. What you don't know is that I am by no means a writer and sure wished Erin or someone of her talents could have been given the job. But no, you're stuck with my version. I am afraid I am not good at following instructions. I did take my 'trusty digital camera' but did not take 'good' batteries so the pictures are rather limited. I tried to take notes but kept getting excited and forgot to write things down, so many of the notes were taken by my mom, (Thanks, Mom!) and darn that Erin couldn't be there either. So, here is my version of the event.
At exactly nine o'clock the doors were opened and in we filed with tickets in hand. We were greeted by Wanda and Yvette and given our goodie bags, asked to fill out a name tag, and Leaf & Acorn members could get a ticket for the drawing. There were plenty of tables set for us and we were
told the more chairs you fill at your table the better off you will be
(for those who have not been to an event yet - this is something you
should remember). I picked what I thought was the choice table - near
the food!, near the displays, relatively close to the auction table and
hopefully, not too far from the ladies' room (lots of coffee).
Once everyone got settled at tables, Yvette and Wanda
retold the course of events that led up to Dean NOT being able to be
there - but they did soften the blow somewhat by saying that Dean had
sent a box with instructions not to open it until he called at some
point during the event. Then the games began (you will notice at some point I lost track of the order of things). Those celebrating August birthdays got to wear lovely hats and spin the wheel (still able to take picture), though wheel suffered somewhat in transportation a gentle spin kept things rolling. A prototype pin was won by the person with a boat in their goodie bag. Here is where the full table comes in to play, the more hands attempting to assemble the puzzle pieces the better. We did not have a 'full' table but we did manage to win this particular game and each of us got to spin the wheel and each also received puzzles. (At this point I am excited - I have FINALLY won something at a CT event.) We then played Tic Tac Tails until it was down to two - the winners received a prototype pin (nope, no picture here). Then lots of Bingo games, followed by the 'telephone' game. Yvette began a review of the new pieces that were on
display including the new charity pins and "It's What's Inside that
Counts." At this point Dean calls and Yvette relays his
instructions to Wanda who is opening the 'box.' The table captains were
directed to pass out white envelopes to everyone at their tables but
told NOT to open then until
It gets a little fuzzy here, but I know more games were after that including word scrambles and the winners of the silent auction items were announced (not a great picture, but the original artwork was tremendous.) A few more games followed with a prize going to just about everyone there! All in all, (and yes, I might be a little biased) it was a terrific, well-organized event that truly only lacked in that Dean could not be there. Fitz and Floyd know how to throw a party and I for one hope to attend many more!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Charity Nomination Time! Well gang, it is that time of the year, when you folks get to submit the names of charities that you would like to see receive the Squashville Social Club charity donation. This year's donation, we are proud to say, will be the largest ever (thanks to the great buttons sales and the wonderfully successful Pizza Party!). The restriction on nominations is that they must be a not-for-profit charity organization. Please email send your nominations to BOTH Joan Woodruff and FeerlessFreddie@aol.com and be sure to put "Charity Nomination" in the subject line. All nominations need to be received by Sunday, October 5, 2003.
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* * * * * It's also time for all you aspiring artists to get out your paints, watercolors or even your crayons - and design the Squashville Social Club's 2004 Club Button! Button designs must fit within a 2" circle and include "Squashville Social Club" and "2004". NOTE: you can create a larger design, so long as it can LEGIBLE be reduced to fit within the 2" circle. Designs are to be emailed to Rona Horn no later than Sunday, October 5, 2003. If you are not able to scan & email your design, you can send it by snail-mail. Just email Rona and she'll send you the address, but snail-mail submissions must be sent no later than Saturday, September 27th! All submitted designs will then be posted (anonymously) for members to vote on. All participants will get one button with their design and one button of the winning design. The 2003 Buttons will only be available until December 31st, so if you haven't ordered yet - see the important information below! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Have YOU ordered
The 2003
The 2003 SSC Keychain features a round piece of blonde wood - and is engraved with the image from the 2003 Club Button! Make your keychain the envy of all your friends - send your order, along with a check or money order payable to "Squashville Social Club" to our Treasurer, Joan Woodruff, 420 South Dara James Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2713. Keychains are $9.00 for the first one ordered, $7.50 for each additional key chain. IF you order your key chains at the same time you order a club button - they're just $7.50 each. NOTE: We now have FOUR (and ONLY 4) special editions of the keychain done in a beautiful dark wood available for $9.00 each. The first four to request this keychain will be able to order it - you can request it by sending an email to Joan Woodruff. The time/date of received emails will control - so don't hesitate if you want one!!. Please - only ONE of these special keychains can be requested/ordered per Member!
AND - Make your life special
In January, we announced the NEW Squashville Social Club button -- designed exclusive for us by Dean Griff himself! If you haven't ordered yours yet - just send $6.00 for the first button ordered, $3.50 for each additional button in the same order, to Joan Woodruff, 420 South Dara James Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2713. Your check or money order should be payable to "Squashville Social Club". You can even order right along with the Squashville Social Club Key Chains! So order now!! If you
haven't ordered your key chain or Club Button yet - send in your order
to Joan NOW!! |
(The following is not intended to be an advertisement for GoCollect.com. They have provided information about an upcoming exclusive and we are passing the news along to the Club members.) A top secret, Limited Edition Charming Tails piece will be released exclusively through GoCollect.com! A unique piece, HAND SIGNED by Dean Griff will be released on October 21st for the first ever GoCollect.com Charming Tails Christmas Spectacular! Here are some top-secret details (shhh): * 2003 GoCollect.com Exclusive Keep an eye on the GoCollect.com web site for more information! (This information was edited from the announcement we
received.) |
Since this is a club for those who have fallen in love with Charming Tails, this is the perfect time of year for a contest to list pieces with any form of the word "FALL" in it. Submit your list to Susan at Jmsmott@aol.com by midnight, September 30th, to be eligible. The winner will be the entry with the longest list, or a drawing will be held between in the event of a tie. Now, get out those books and start your list!!!!!!! Our generous sponsor this month is Joanne Forbes of
Gift Creations. The winner of
the FALL contest will receive a GREAT prize - the anxiously anticipated
piece "Dash Away All"!! This is the GEM with Santa in his sleigh and
all the Squashville characters standing-in for the reindeer! Don't
miss out on this TREMENDOUS prize opportunity - email your entry to Susan
NOW!! |
forget ... if you're ever looking for a past issue of "News in a Nutshell" -
just click on the "ribbon" graphic that's towards the bottom of the CT
Resource Page, right next to "Fun Stuff". This is a
permanent link and takes you to the Squashville Social Club Newsletter
Archive! All the past issues are there - for you to enjoy! |
Without the support of our sponsors, we would not be able
to bring you the monthly contests. Please show our sponsors how much
we appreciate them by making your Charming Tails purchases from them.
And - to make it easy, we're adding a permanent list of all the wonderful
stores that sponsor the Squashville Social Club. This list will be
here all the time - so anytime you're in the mood to do some "Tail
shopping", just pick a sponsor and pick out the pieces you've "got to
have"!! |
Charming Shoppe |
But HEY!! Have YOU got a CT
scoop? Do YOU want to share a story? Or maybe your favorite CT Photo? Do
you know of a good CT link that others should check out? Or just
let us know your comments about the Newsletter! Email Susan
your thoughts or to get
your info in the next SSC Newsletter! |